[Madison, Wis.] – Today, Justice Rebecca Bradley’s campaign released a new statewide radio ad with Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke highlighting her overwhelming support by the law enforcement community.

The statewide ad buy from the campaign will begin running on stations throughout Wisconsin today. This large ad placement is thanks to the outpouring of support by donors and grassroots activists across Wisconsin in reaction to the vile and misleading pieces written and placed without a nod to journalistic integrity by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.

“We have seen a dramatic uptick in support since the vile and highly personal attack pieces have come out from the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel,” said Luke Martz, Justice Bradley’s campaign manager. “We are continuing to get the positive message put forth by Justice Bradley out to the people of Wisconsin, but wanted to give the Justice the ability to speak directly to the voters and assure them that she is the only voice of reason and integrity in this race.”

The ad showcases the blatant disregard for boundaries and common decency that has been shown by members of certain media outlets when it comes to reporting on the race for the Wisconsin Supreme Court, the first half of the ad is voiced by Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke, and the second half of the ad features Justice Rebecca Bradley in her own words.

The text of the ad is as follows:


I’m Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke.

I know a little something about what it’s like when the Big money liberal elites come gunning for you.

They’ve got the media in their back pocket.  They’re vicious, they lie, and this time, they’re out to get Justice Rebecca Bradley.

I’d call it mudslinging but it’s dirtier than that.

Justice Bradley is endorsed by the vast majority of law enforcement in the state because she’s the candidate committed to law and order.  She needs your vote.  She’s got mine.

Paid for by Citizens for Justice Rebecca Bradley, Patrick Knight, Treasurer.

I’m Justice Rebecca Bradley.

It’s no surprise my opponent and her partisan allies are running a false, viciously personal smear campaign against me.  After all, these are the same people who exploited a crime victim, against his will, to further her last campaign.

You do have a choice.

My opponent will continue her mudslinging.

And I will continue to focus on how important it is that justices apply the law as it is written, and not as they might wish it to be.


You can listen to the ad HERE.

Justice Rebecca Bradley is the only candidate in this race who has experience as a trial lawyer, circuit court judge, appellate court judge and Supreme Court Justice. Justice Rebecca Bradley’s positive campaign is centered on her experience, service to the people of Wisconsin, and judicial philosophy.

For more information on Justice Rebecca Bradley and her campaign to retain her seat on the Supreme Court of Wisconsin please visit justicerebeccabradley.com.
